oppo A7 (cph1903) password removed

Detected LINUX(Android) SYSTEM : 0x003E800000 (3.968GB)
Build ID: OPM1.171019.026
Release Base ID: 8.1.0
Architecture ABI: arm64-v8a
Device manufacturer: OPPO
Build Description: msm8953_64-user 8.1.0 OPM1.171019.026 eng.root.20190711.000250 release-keys
Detected USERDATA USERDATA : 0x017E800000 (52.264GB)
Unable to mount USERDATA , code : 95

Checking security ...
Z3X EasyJtag Software ver.
Loading eMMC GEN2 Firmware... IO: 2800 mV
Box S/N: DBB477427EC2E4FA, ,FW Ver.: 02.44
CMD Pullup Level:2053 mV
CMD Active Level:2718 mV
Box IO Level:2800 mV
CLK Rate:24000 kHz
Bus Width:1bit,SDR
HiPower mode is off!
---------- eMMC Device Information ----------

eMMC CID : 1501005248363441420522C49A61C5D9
eMMC CSD : D02701320F5903FFF6DBFFEF8E40400D
eMMC Manufacturer ID: 0015 , OEM ID: 0100
eMMC Date: 12/2018 Rev.0x5
eMMC NAME: RH64AB , S/N: 583309921
eMMC NAME (HEX): 524836344142
EMMC ROM1 (Main User Data) Capacity: 59640 MB , 0x747C000 pages , 0xE8F800000 bytes
EMMC ROM2 (Boot Partition 1) Capacity: 4096 kB
EMMC ROM3 (Boot Partition 2) Capacity: 4096 kB
EMMC RPMB (Replay Protected Memory Block) Capacity: 4096 kB
EMMC RPMB is programmed and written 1098 times
EMMC Permanent Write Protection: No
EMMC Temporary Write Protection: No
EMMC Password Locked: No
Extended CSD rev 1.8 (MMC 5.1)
Boot configuration [PARTITION_CONFIG: 0x38] Boot from:ROM1 (Main User Area)
Boot bus config [177]: 0x00 , width 1bit , Partition config [179]: 0x38.
H/W reset function [RST_N_FUNCTION]: 0x01
High-capacity WP group size [HC_WP_GRP_SIZE: 0x00004000]
Partitioning Support [PARTITIONING_SUPPORT]: 0x07
Device support partitioning feature
Device can have enhanced tech.
Partitioning Setting [PARTITION_SETTING_COMPLETED]: 0x00
Writing Recovery Command to MISC (33)

from GSM-Forum https://ift.tt/2yr6yiG
